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Lanier 8th ID

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Everything posted by Lanier 8th ID

  1. //STOCK MAPS AND STANDARD CUSTOMS dod_anzio dod_argentan dod_aura dod_avalanche dod_churchyard dod_colmar dod_crash dod_don dod_donner dod_flash dod_flash_mini dod_harrington dod_jagd dod_kalt dod_lennon dod_strand dod_tiger2008 dod_santos_b3 dod_palermo //MONTHLY CUSTOMS dod_adanti dod_berlin_1943_fm dod_dockyard_b9 dod_donner_night dod_flashatnight dod_hellshighway_b4 dod_kalt@night_b12 dod_longestday dod_marlky_1944 dod_mayonne_b3 dod_spooky_town_rc2 dod_stug //MATCH MAPS dod_hameau_rc1 dod_caen_b07
  2. I normally carry my phone, wallet, keys, pocket knife, flashlight, rapid tourniquet and my Glock 19 with an extra magazine. In my truck is my go bag that has more tourniquets, some other medical supplies and extra ammo. I’m looking to upgrade my go bag to include a change of clothes and a few days worth of food (MRE) and a life straw. Water is so heavy to carry. Typical Texan.
  3. Adanti Spookytown Donner_night
  4. Looking for some nighttime, spooky themed maps for October.
  5. Probably the same way Trone has 23 accounts for DoDS.
  6. Monthly Command Staff Meeting
  7. Join us as we host an early realism or our European friends!
  8. For some odd reason, I find it fascinating here about all the things people choose to carry every day. So if you feel like sharing, what pens, wallets, knvies, guns, flahslights, etc. do you choose for your EDC?
  9. I would like for as many 8th ID members to gather on the server before realism starts.
  10. Command Staff will be meeting.
  11. Lanier 8th ID

    BCT Class

    I will be hosting a BCT class for anyone who needs to take it.
  12. Join us for Open Realism
  13. Granted, but you lose sight, smell and hearing. I wish I have the ability to freeze time.
  14. Getting stuck in dumb places, like a spot on the floor, right @Nutz 8th ID?
  15. Join us after realism practice to test out the new competition server and learn how to 12 man.
  16. Join us for our first "official" 12man event. We will keep playing until we no longer have 12 people to fill spots for the map.
  17. We will be hosting the 250. BD on Sunday, August 15th for a Casual Realism. This event will be ran "open" style but will only include members of the 250 and the 8th ID. The 250 are gracious enough to skip their daily realism on this day and come play with us.
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