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Everything posted by bruse

  1. Yeah, tried what you said, and didn't work, so I check his code, and he doesn't have a !live round or move to Spector, and someone in the comment section said it does not deal with that stuff. https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=72791&page=18, if read end of page 17 and the top of 18.
  2. Damn it, I didn't see that thanks man I'll check into that.
  3. Yeah, that one does not send a dead player to spectator or allow you to mess with living a round, which I really want to know. This link confirms that they're not the same https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=96420.
  4. Hey I have looked ever where for this plugin https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=690775&postcount=33?p=690775&postcount=33, and it seems that he took the plugin down, so I was think you guy might be using this one so I was wondering if could get a copy, I'm not looking to make a new unit I'm just wondering on how this plugin works, for some of my future projects.
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