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VanDoor 8th ID

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Everything posted by VanDoor 8th ID

  1. One of the coolest videos ever
  2. A few facts about this song. Listen for the noise at :05 seconds in, you hear it 2 more times at :13, and :18, then at :23 you can hear Steven Tyler go to hit the instrument again and it breaks. Then also listen for what sounds like maracas shaking, you can hear it very well in the intro, turns out they forgot to pack maracas and Steven Tyler found a sugar packet, then turned up the microphones and he shook the packet to make the noise.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewFBuYHldeY
  4. Bump Say what you want or you dont get to complain.
  5. Drugs are a good thing.
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