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VanDoor 8th ID

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Everything posted by VanDoor 8th ID

  1. Just seeing who else has it and if anybody would want to try and play, get a group of us maybe.
  2. SPECIAL GUN GAME EVENT I hope these two days are even better then our first event on the 25th. https://i.imgur.com/k9HOqfq.jpg' alt='IMGUR>'> https://i.imgur.com/piZE3sW.jpg' alt='IMGUR>'>
  3. People that won't shut the fuck up and can't say people's names properly.
  4. [mention]Fox 8th ID[/mention] No meme, They slap. You are just to young to know them before people started to hate them cause somebody said so on the internet.
  5. Is it just me or is the driver Dr. Disrespect?
  6. Fun show, great acting.
  7. Really cool show if you enjoyed Vikings.
  8. The 8th ID Special Events Division is proud to announce our first community event. We will be holding a Gun Game on our Special Events server on April.25th at 4pm PST/7pm EST. Everybody is welcome to come and join us and have a good time. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me here, on Steam, or in Discord. Hope to see you all there. https://i.imgur.com/aTP2vcp.jpg' alt='IMGUR>'>
  9. Currently I am re-watching Bodyguard. It's a British show staring Richard Madden, who played Robb Stack in GoT. It's an amazing show.
  10. Had to put this up since it's awesome
  11. This came on at the high school dances, you grab your girl fast as fuck.
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