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Nutz 8th ID

8th ID
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Nutz 8th ID last won the day on March 24 2023

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About Nutz 8th ID

  • Birthday 10/15/1968

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  1. But my favorite book of all time is: It's similar to Stephen Kings "The Stand" but I found more engaging
  2. Granted, but it only views Sofa pooping money over and over again. I wish I had superhuman strength
  3. My music taste varies...not bad for an old man 🙂
  4. My absolute favorite AC/DC song..
  5. So smooth and effortless...
  6. Gives me goosies every time. Such a powerful version
  7. Hehe. I sang that line to my kids growling up when they asked for something. The best was when my daughter was studying overseas in Italy. One weekend she went out touring the area. She found a bar and as she walked into it, that song came on...she thought of me and walked out lol
  8. For fun, mostly DOD:S. I just recently got into a health kick and dropped 50lbs. Added all sorts of gym equipment to my basement. Plus landscaping around my yard. I like sports - used to coach my daughter's teams and also played a ton of Men's softball. May try to get back to it now that I'm in better shape. I'm also a NY Yankees and Pittsburgh Steelers fan. I currently work as a Finance Director for an Aerospace company
  9. Don't get me started Samo! 😠😞🙄
  10. Realisms that don't allow at least a limited number of all weapons because that would actually be too realistic 😜
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