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Noelle 8th ID

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Noelle 8th ID last won the day on May 29 2023

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  1. Join us for a Throwback Thursday and play DOD 1.3!
  2. Gladiator and Closer are my favorite movies! My favorite shows are Avatar the Last Airbender, House of Dragons, and Yellowstone. I am sure there are more I can't think of....
  3. Fight as a Santa Raid Boss and destroy the enemy team!
  4. Join us for a night of mini game fun! We will be playing prop hunt, raid boss, and one in the chamber. Hope to see you all there!
  5. My life really had no meaning or purpose before I had my son. Being a mother, although it is the greatest challenge of my life, is my highest achievement. My son is everything that I could ever hope for and more. I spend almost all of my time trying to make his life as good as possible while trying to teach him to be a kind human. I am by no means perfect, but I feel like I do a pretty damn good job.
  6. Purse or diaper bag with phone, ipad mini, wallet, keys, wipes, diapers, snacks, hand sanitizer, airpods, apple watch/phone cord, power bank, hair ties, Tylenol/Advil, Band-Aids, extra outfit for baby, sunglasses, face masks, and I'm sure other things I am forgetting lol Before the baby I was a wallet/keys/phone only type of person.
  7. I would be down depending on what anime it is! 🙂
  8. I'd love to see pics of the camper! I have thought about doing this for so long. I'd be really tempted if we didn't have a little one.
  9. dod_abbey dod_drizz dod_grandcanal
  10. Good band. I'm seeing them in August at Sad Summer Fest.
  11. Atlanta, Georgia
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