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Montague 8th ID

8th ID
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Everything posted by Montague 8th ID

  1. Well you know..... not this lol
  2. What an interesting turn this thread has taken
  3. Cowboy Bebop is my first foray into anime. it's the best way to get into anime in my opinion, it definitely doesn't go as crazy as some of the others. Darling in the Franxxx was my first mecha anime! (unless you wanna' count bits of Gundam that I used to see on Toonami when I was a little kid) It was a very fun watch. Monogatari and the Fate series are in my top favorites for sure. I've seen all of Monogatari, but I've only seen Fate Zero and Fate: Stay Night - Unlimited Bladeworks. Judging from your favorites it sounds like you might like both shows. Monogatari is suuuper dialogue heavy and honestly so eccentric that it's a "love it or hate it" kinda' deal, but a very rewarding and entertaining show imo. Fate is more balanced with quite a lot more action, especially as you get later into each season it really ramps up. The watch-orders for Fate / Monogatari are kind of complicated. I'd Google one for the Fate series, but I can tell you how to watch Monogatari. The issue with Monogatari is unless you sail the high seas or something, I dunno' how you'll find everything. Crunchyroll only has Bakemonogatari and Nisemonogatari iirc... I had to buy the Kizumonogatari 3-part movie on blu-ray through rightstuf anime, and that's literally the second thing you're supposed to watch. Fate is a bit more accessible in this regard, but you might uhh know the right places to look and might not have this problem with Monogatari. I personally loved Bakemonogatari so much that I just bought the entire show on blu-ray which cost, like, a lot. Was worth it though; I love that show. I've got a nice little collection going. I'll definitely have to give them a try, I have googled the watch orders just a matter of getting around to it cause once I start I usually binge.
  4. I've been meaning to get into the monogatari series, and the fate series. My favorites are cowboy bebop, Your lie in april, darling in the franxxx and hunter x hunter.
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