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Sofa 8th ID

8th ID
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Sofa 8th ID last won the day on December 21 2022

Sofa 8th ID had the most liked content!

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  1. Is that a mirror in your cupola? Because I can see myself in your panzer 😉
  2. until
  3. until
  4. until
  5. until
    Practice in realism svr.
  6. Granted, but she lives in Helsinki, Finland. I wish I was taller than 193 cm.
  7. Psychedelightful.
  8. I work for an insurance company, when I slack off I read a lot and listen to music or watch old French movies. Off work I game, hike, work on my tan. read some more, hang out with my twin, fail at growing facial hair. I read mostly fantasy, philosophy, history books, and some poetry when the mood is there. For music I'm pretty eclectic, though I've recently taken a deeper dive into metal and it's extreme genres like Melodic Death and Black, and some less extreme ones like jazz fusion metal. I'm excited for the upcoming Euro Cup (soccer), I'd like to see how Belgium will do, by the gods of beer and fries they deserved to win the last world cup. On a mildly related note..Fuck Cristiano Ronaldo!
  9. Granted, but every time you read them you become dyslexic. I'd like to poop money.
  10. Ford F150.
  11. Been absent, but I shall return.
  12. Archers get too much hate, who said you had to run into their missiles?
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