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Samo 8th ID

8th ID
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Everything posted by Samo 8th ID

  1. Here we go!
  2. I love the Artic Monkeys [mention]Garza 8th ID[/mention] - was lucky to see them live!! Who else misses live music!? Been on an iggy pop vibe all day LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy sunday!
  3. Caught [mention]Sofa 8th ID[/mention] a bit too excited about his new spray :mrgreen: After seeing this, I thought it would be fun to share funny moments when we pub....
  4. I just want to say I like being in Yak's team, thats it. good night
  5. yesssssssssir - goooooooodin'
  6. Who's a fan of the doors? Good jam for a sunday walk around a city in lockdown :mrgreen:
  7. Hell yeah!
  8. I'm glad you're talking about the original and not the new one, that one was trash! lol I love foreign movies, I watched Parasite this morning- check it out!
  10. lol that was epic, and I agree carol baskin killed her husband!
  11. Can't go wrong w/ Talking Heads!
  12. Love a good Lou Reed! [mention]VanDoor 8th ID[/mention]
  13. Nothing like starting your rainy morning w/ Mazzy Star! Bring the bloody mary's! ;)
  14. DMX - REST IN POWER Song: "I'm Gonna Crawl" featuring Dime and Dyme Read More: DMX's Most Inspirational Lyrics - XXL | https://www.xxlmag.com/dmx-inspirational-lyrics/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral
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