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Myles 8th ID

8th ID
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Myles 8th ID last won the day on October 1 2024

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  1. Name: Myles (Grease#11480) Role: Main Heal but prefer flex to get a better Q
  2. For work: I'm a buyer/category manager at a medium sized retailer. I manage the exciting categories of household paper (bathroom, paper towel, facial tissue) and laundry. For fun indoors: gaming (previously played a lot of csgo, PUBG, and overwatch but now mostly just dods), yoga, drawing, beers + watching hockey, youtube For fun outdoors: camping, hiking, fishing, golfing. I am fortunate enough to use the family cottage a lot during the summers. Fun fact: I moved to South Korea for a few years after university - I was an English teacher at a private school. After finishing my contract, and before going home, I flew to the Korean Island of Jeju and spent 27 days hiking 400+ km on Jeju Olle the trail. If you are interested in my hike - I have a bunch of photos here: https://imgur.com/a/KvylofH (after about 10 photos you have to click view more)
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