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Joaquin 8th ID

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Joaquin 8th ID last won the day on October 4 2021

Joaquin 8th ID had the most liked content!

About Joaquin 8th ID

  • Birthday 02/02/1993

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  1. Time is still TBD
  2. This looks pretty cool. Saw that is has a small 10% sale on Steam at the moment.
  3. You can typically find me out on a golf course most weekends but recently most of my time has been taken up with doing projects around the house as my wife and I prepare for our daughter, due at the end of July. As for work, my background is in exercise physiology and I worked in strength & conditioning the last few years. Recently transitioned out of the field and am now a real estate agent.
  4. Originally from San Diego, CA but now living near Flemington, NJ
  5. Beaverville...... jk Aura Caen Catania Strand or Longest Day Dust Manche Sturm Rive Sora Anemia Alamo
  6. This is exciting.
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