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Span 8th ID

8th ID
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Span 8th ID last won the day on November 3 2022

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  1. I am in the same boat as Lanier, except I am a step-dad in a unique situation. I call him mine simply because I feel so close to him, but I understand that might come off weird to others. Anyways, my 4 year old son has been a joy to help raise. I initially came into his life when he was around 8 months old. I didn't know if I could do it, and I truly love his mom (my fiancé now) so I wanted to try my best. A lot of people close to me wanted me to be cautious and take things slow, but that is just not me. I love pretty hard, so I gave both of them my all, like I still do today. He is starting pre-school in 2 weeks and I am going to miss all the time we get to spend together while I work from home. I truly love his joyfulness, and I love seeing how much he has progressed in his speech, writing, and manners. He has also helped me grow into this role, and he is quite the teacher of lessons when it comes to patience. This fall will also be time to get him into soccer, and I can't wait to watch him fall in love (hopefully) with the sport I played my whole childhood and adult life. I don't think I am a typical step-dad or if that even exists, but I love the kid and wouldn't trade my family for anything.
  2. Excited to see your progress!! Wish you the best :)
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