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Cat 8th ID

8th ID
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Everything posted by Cat 8th ID

  1. @VanDoor 8th ID ty for the inspiration to re-listen to some Pumpkins
  2. MRW the Starbucks barista with that stupid pin in her hair completely botches my order and i don't catch it until i've already left.
  3. TY random 'Skins' advert years back for this one XD
  4. Some old local music out of Providence.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgaz5sPMS6k I guess Tom had a lucid dream once. frt ... great music and visuals
  6. ---Owned and LFG--- Hell Let Loose Destiny 2 ---Just Picked Up--- Tabletop Sim
  7. *edit: if you haven't already and are so inclined, Carnavas and Swoon are two amazing albums to check out. Ive seen them live too many times to count and have written treatises on their sound and influence XD*
  8. ive been stalled out on the book series since book 6 for about a decade but i'm glad they finally made this into a series.
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