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McDowell 8th ID

8th ID
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Everything posted by McDowell 8th ID

  1. Really gotta get more towards reading the Light Novels I have for Overlord and Saga of Tanya the Evil
  2. For fun? Just play a bunch of video games honestly lol though I'm also part of a few organizations that deal more with outside life 😛 SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) www.sca.org Basically a medieval re-creation group and we do our own thing and what not. There's royalty and stuff too. N-SSA (North-South Skirmish Association) www.n-ssa.org Not really civil war re-enactment stuff, we 'skirmish' Basically, we dress up and then shoot at targets in competition shoots with period weapons. (Muskets, Carbine, Mortars, Cannons, Revolvers, etc.) All black powder weapons. As for work .. well, it's an interesting time right now. I'm a Senior Sales Engineer at SolarWinds www.solarwinds.com Can't really go into much here because of legal reasons with everything going on lol
  3. Right?! I'm super excited to try this out when it comes out!
  4. Reach out to Marsden my former XO for the Zombie mod, I think he still might have it. We were planning on doing it for next Halloween, but that's now fallen to the wayside. I'd feel confident to see you guys run with it instead. Also, just as a small note. Be sure to disable any pistol/grenade mod you might have enabled for Hide-n-Seek 🙂 A floating pistol kind of gives yourself away lol
  5. Granted, but unfortunately it's the wrong language in your replies. I wish I could read people's minds!
  6. Thought I'd bring back an oldie, but a goodie! So, how does corrupt a wish work you ask? Simple! One can wish for something, but you will have to come up with a downside for it in posting order. For example, we'll say that the person above my post (previous poster) wished for being able to shoot lasers from their eyes. I now have to come up with a downside to that ability before wishing for my own. So my post could be like this: Now it would be up to the next person to corrupt my wish! Now .. lets get it started! I WISH .... that I could talk to animals! 😄
  7. Ooooo! That would be nice! I was debating on a few different smug faces for the back of my passenger windows
  8. Manassas Park, Virginia Originally from El Paso, Texas though!
  9. Shinobu! 😮
  10. Has anyone taken a look at this game yet? It's been on my scope for a bit now. The trailer is pretty epic and just the concept of the game makes me pretty interested in it. What do you guys think? Would you play this?
  11. Just recently started playing this again I'm only like level 13 or something like that .. I'd be glad to hop on with ya, just tag me in discord :)
  12. Anyone play the demo for this or have this pre-ordered already? What are your thoughts on it? I get some Mass Effect/Destiny 2 vibes from it and at the same time a bit of Anthem .. I just really hope it doesn't flop like Anthem.
  13. Looks forward to future games with you all! Also .. I approve of Fox's title in their signature!
  14. donner_extended, santos, and battlebridge are always fun :)
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