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McDowell 8th ID

8th ID
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Everything posted by McDowell 8th ID

  1. Awwww yisss!! Just look at the tabs I currently have open for Manga/Manhwa Though all those little globes are links to mangadex that I have to connect to my VPN for because Verizon hates them for some reason.. Some of the ones of note are Nagatoro-san (RomCom), Karaki Jozou Motto (Comedy), Solo Leveling (Action of course), A Returners Magic Should be Special (Action as well), The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter (Wholesome) just to name a few.
  2. I've played so many it's not even funny lol Stuck with WoW until Cataclysm .. that was the begin of the downward spiral of that game in my opinion. Two that I'm looking forward to are New World and Ashes of Creation! Anyone going to be playing those?
  3. Looks like they're having some beta weekends coming up for those that have pre-ordered 😮 For a full summary of the content we've planned, see our previous Steam post here.
  4. We're partying for D2:Resurrected. You have no choice XD Just for reference, I'll probably bring back my zealer, PalaAnderson XD I still hope D4 comes out with all the shenanigans going on at Blizzard currently ..
  5. Just had my Shiro, Schwi, and Megumin figures get confirmed for shipment lol
  6. Ooooo! If you get a good lead @Fox let me know!
  7. I feel like I've run into ya at least a few times before during these years lol hope you've been doing well!
  8. Same! I mostly stick to Diablo/Starcraft/HoTS, but I do some Overwatch here and there 🙂 Fenix#1707 if anyone wants to add me!
  9. Invisible walls that you can't should through, but should be able to T_T
  10. Save me .. I've had this on repeat for a few hours now ..
  11. Post images or videos that make you feel good/satisfied! Gotta kick it up a notch to start with some Dirty IT! Feels amazing to see this nastiness get cleaned!
  12. Looks like they finally have a date for it!
  13. Now that I'm back from my little vacation spree I gotta hop back in on this!
  14. Meh, sometimes I get into a poopy place and listen to something that just makes me think too much about the past.
  15. I'm sure Fox would like this one too, maybe. Not usually one for AMV's, but this one wasn't too shabby and fits her character well.
  16. Started watching The Expanse again and dragged my mom along for the ride. I left off at the end of season 2 when I think it was cancelled or something like that. Glad Amazon picked it up!
  17. A wonderful and fun place to show off your furbabies! My cat is named Freyja, don't let her looks fool you. She's quite malicious.
  18. Could all do a private call together in Discord (we'd all have to be friends for that) Or I have that one Guilded project I was working on .. could leverage Guilded for that. (Very similar to Discord, but has dedicated 'streaming' channels)
  19. Must .. resist .. buying .. figures... would hurt my wallet too much. Why must a plastic figure cost $200 T_T
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