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McDowell 8th ID

8th ID
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McDowell 8th ID last won the day on February 12

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About McDowell 8th ID

  • Birthday 04/29/1988

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  1. Name: McDowell Rank: Staff Sergeant Interested in leading (Y/N): N I do have a few events that I have to be at in late May/Mid June, Sundays would work best for me if that is a possibility Specific Dates: May 24-27: Ruby Joust (Caer Mear, Ashland, VA) June 15: Victory on the Vine (Mountain Run Winery, Culpeper, VA) June 22: Tea with the Baroness
  2. Don't judge me lol
  3. Hope they do something better with the skill tree because that still feels like D3, but looking forward to seeing what D4 can do. My future Blizzard business all depends on this game XD
  4. Awwwww yeah! 😄
  5. Name: McDowell (Fenix#1707) Role: Flex Kind of a jack of all trades, master of none in Overwatch lol
  6. I usually always limit my frames to about 120 max most of the time, that way I don't run into issues like this. Their Server Slam is from May 12th to May 14th for anyone interested! Open Beta!
  7. Haven't really played it at all, but backed it a long time ago..
  8. Did anyone play the early access beta or the open beta? What did y'all think about it?
  9. Anyone going to be doing the open beta here in March? Was wondering if anyone wanted to sync up for it?
  10. Awww yisss!! I approve Garcia! Welcome to the PROVEN BEST Realism Unit there is! 😄

  11. You can do some cool stuff with the html coding if you know how to fiddle with some of the tags and add in acronyms in there so when you hover over a ribbon you get a little comment block that tells you what the ribbon is, like in my signature for example. But Fear dropped in the basics for ya! o7 Keep rockin' in those realisms and you'll definitely earn more and build up your Military Personnel File!
  12. Minus events and how dishonorable their actions were.. I'm proud of what I accomplished with the MRB and the achievements that I've been able to pull through with some of the people that were there. Especially for being the longest sitting and most decorated CO in their history. Spent a long time there; starting from the bottom and worked hard all the way to the top. It's something I'm proud of and no one can take that sense of accomplishment away from me. Though I feel like I have to jump in and fix VanDoor's signature. The alignment ... hurts my soul looking at it XD lol
  13. Shinobu from the Monogatari series
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