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Fear 8th ID

8th ID
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Everything posted by Fear 8th ID

  1. This reply will be tailored for Tyger, but the general idea applies to everyone if you want to display your awards / badges: You have to put the image links for the awards / badges into your forum signature. You can find your signature by going to your profile > account settings > signature. Check out your Official Military Personnel File to see what awards you have earned to date. Then, refer to the awards page - find your award, right click the image and click copy image address. Paste the link into your forum signature block and it should automatically convert into an image. Make sure all images are centered and refer to the awards page to see what order they should be in. You can find the awards page here. Tyger, your Official Military Personnel File can be found here. You have earned a Combat Infantryman's Badge and a Presidential Unit Citation, so you'll be able to display those in your signature block. The large badges some people have are department / job badges (Operations, Wartime Intelligence, etc). Hope this helps!
  2. gotta spice it up after the boomer music festival in discord tonight ❤️ you all just kidding
  3. Chuck Norris would lose to bath salt face eating man. I said what I said. Also, we do this during one of nature's most powerful events:
  4. I knew you'd say this, seeing as how every southern state wishes they could be Florida and tries to copy us. Where does fear live though? That's your issue. Texas auto-fails. 😎
  5. Florida is the superior state. Reasons: alligators crocs (the shoe kind) manatees mullets humidity hilariously tall lifted diesel trucks blasting Lynyrd Skynyrd rogue fire ants insanely aggressive water moccasins out of control iguana population bath salts meth theme parks run by morally questionable companies bikinis (lots of bikinis) ocean everywhere (hence the bikinis) god tier seafood fear lives here
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