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Flood 8th ID

8th ID
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Everything posted by Flood 8th ID

  1. I LOVE it's always sunny and Breaking Bad is amazing of course.
  2. I've heard and noticed a few members here watch alot of films, so I will start, some of my favourite shows are: - Barry - The Sopranos - Better call saul - Mandolorian I used to love watching the walking dead but it really deteriorated in quality over time and its a really rough experience trying to watch some of the newer seasons in my opinion. My favourite movie is probably The Empire strikes back but I love alot of kubrick films like 2001 and the Shining. Also Tarantinos films are amazing, I love inglorious basterds and Django. I've recently been rewatching all of the Lord of the rings films and they are brilliant, I sometimes forget how good the films are because they are a long watch so I usually try to avoid watching it unless im in a certain mood for it. Let me know any films/tv shows you recommend because I'm always trying to watch something new.
  3. video0_24.mp4
  4. I'm from the UK, I've lived around England but currently live in Manchester
  5. Hilarious video:
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