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Trib 8th ID

8th ID
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Everything posted by Trib 8th ID

  1. Nice bmw bike! BMW has been a big part of my family history.
  2. Has anyone played Diablo 4? Curious to see if it is any good. Diablo 2 was amazing, Diablo 3 was basically a bust but was entertaining for a little while.
  3. I played Everquest back in the day then played hardcore on Project1999. Project1999 is a free emulator, they recreated everquest from Classic to Velious, servers are packed, prob more populated then original game. Figured I would throw that out there if anyone was interested. The creators of everquest were working on Pantheon- Rise of the Fallen, was suppose to be the next best MMO but the dude died, so dono if it will be finished.
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