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Trib 8th ID

8th ID
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Trib 8th ID last won the day on September 4 2024

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  1. Name: Trib Rank: Sgt Interested in leading (Y/N): N
  2. California - San Francisco area. True, LA does suck!
  3. Looks like june 6th is the release date. I may have the sniffles that day 😛
  4. lol I looked it up said april 13th but I bought mine in march. Looks like I bought the TI version that came out earlier in the year. The 4070ti supposedly beats the 3090, super beast.
  5. I ended up buying the msi rtx 4070 a little while ago.
  6. I could probably make a pretty good list but If I had to pick 1 id say Movie: Gladiator TV: Supernatural
  7. Sweet I'll look for an Asus. Is MSI any good? I have a MSI motherboard not a fan of their software though.
  8. Since EVGA is done making GPU's what brand do you guys recommend now? Pretty sure I am gonna go with a 4090.
  9. dick pics allowed?
  10. Apparently Nvidia announced they purchased and received $10billion worth of parts for the 40 series so they are not limited in stock.
  11. Awesome! I bet the 3080 prices will drop even more once that news comes out.
  12. Still no official release. Highly doubt it will be released in October now. Prob gonna have to wait until 2023
  13. Spikes is like a pool of blood
  14. I like to keep my main page simple. I do have a button that doesn't appear in screenshot for some reason that if I select it has all my work related apps on it. Then I swipe for secondary apps, 3rd swipe work calender. Last time I touched an iPhone could barely organize apps. Apple still being shitters?
  15. I concede plus I looked it up, Chuck from Oklahoma anyways, best Texans are Oklahomians!
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