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Everything posted by Mythos

  1. i heard its breaking nvida gpus?
  2. Mythos


    I would be going Asus on the gpus from now on especially if you can get strix variants
  3. Everyone's life goals and achievements are different, im proud i gave y'all a chance, i would consider myself proud to consider all of you good friends maybe even family. I hope each and everyone of you hits your milestones and achieve something you all can be proud of. Love you all. FULL HOMO
  4. Mythos


    They still have to be manufactured and the company wont just do them all in 1 go
  5. Mythos


    Not always the case as they struggle, with demand of the next gen gpus so always have old stock to keep the cash coming in.
  6. Mythos


    Good time to buy an 3080 at rrp
  7. wtf is that picture....................
  8. Florida is just a meme i thought
  9. Mythos


    I would buy when 40 series is announced offcially then you will see a lot of used gpus going up for sale which usually makes buying retail easier. You will never need another gpu with 3080
  10. 2019 s1000rr
  11. Im a power press engineer by trade, currently running and managing a new press department. I am an avid motorcycle enthusiast too along side enjoying video games.
  12. i rented a realm a while back and it was fun for abit.
  13. my set up 🙂
  14. Showering with your dad simulator
  15. Some nice builds there lads. What made you get an Amd Gpu klutch?
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