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Garza 8th ID

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Everything posted by Garza 8th ID

  1. :star_struck:
  2. I have this game. Played it a few times, but was solo and the experience left me wanting. I'd be down to try it again.
  3. Oh I love FMA: BRotherhood. thats my favorite one! Thanks for the suggestions
  4. Noted!
  5. Okay so! I was recently recommended Demon Slayer and Konosuba animes to watch. I started Demon Slayer but have a lot to catch up. Thoughts on any others I should start or are these good?
  6. Hello, I play a few games on BattleNet/Blizzard/ActiVision, most notably Overwatch. Add me on BNet if you want to play Overwatch: KoKoPeLLi#11128
  7. Battlebridge Anvil Caen Santos Pier Switchback Vigilance
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