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Garza 8th ID

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Everything posted by Garza 8th ID

  1. Las Vegas, NV.
  2. Love this tune! Aunt had great taste! RIP :heartbeat: :heart:
  3. I dun haz. :/
  4. Yknow I have it. Just don't have it installed. I do miss dinging my bike bell at zombies sometimes.
  5. LOL. Love at first sight
  6. Fallen Angels Author: Wayne Dean Myers Synopsis: "A coming-of-age tale for young adults set in the trenches of the Vietnam War in the late 1960s, this is the story of Perry, a Harlem teenager who volunteers for the service when his dream of attending college falls through. Sent to the front lines, Perry and his platoon come face-to-face with the Vietcong and the real horror of warfare. But violence and death arent the only hardships. As Perry struggles to find virtue in himself and his comrades, he questions why black troops are given the most dangerous assignments, and why the U.S. is there at all." I chose to read this book in High School and loved it. Going to re-read it as an adult. I remember it being entertaining and profound.
  7. So excited!!@_E@##@($#@$#@
  8. I hate open spawns... And troll patrols.
  9. Hello! My favorite read of all time is "The Anasazi Mystery Series" by W. Michael Gear & Kathleen O'Neal Gear. This series is comprised of 3 books: The Visitant, The Summoning God, and Bonewalker. Very good read if you like mystery, suspense, and vividly described worlds. Synopsis: W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O'Neal Gear, award-winning archaeologists and international bestselling authors, breathe new life into the vanished world of the Anasazi, bringing out the spirit, the loves, and a mysterious world where mystery and horror lurk in every shadow, behind every door, sometimes right before you. Dive 800 years into the past—a world of danger, murder and a power that transcends time. The Visitant The Summoning God Bonewalker
  10. Caen/Goodwood Adanti Anvil Santos Pier Marlky_winter Husky Crash Edited out some of the larger maps.
  11. I can picture you rocking down the strip with this song playing as you push tourists out of your way. Correct. (dons RayBans)
  12. Hey VDV! Y'know I always loved custom maps for the events we do/did: Hide-N-Seek | Fright Night | Frag Me. Frag Me Not. | The Leprechaun Hunt | Zombie Master | The King of the Ring | The Gladiator | Winter Wonderfrag | Orange Day | Medic Mod | Alien v. Predator | The Honored Brave | Wacky Wednesday Wealism, Officers/SNCO v. Enlisted/NCO. and some for the ones we intended to do, but never got around due cause "reasons": Hoccer | Conquered: A Re-History | Birthday Bash Bowling | Star Wars: Gun Game | Wild West Gun Game Weekends Can't go wrong there! But also, some of my more favorite maps always seemed to be urban or villages, like Rive, Avalanche, Husky, and Pier. But I know some of those open nature ones like Foy and Peleliu are popular too. This probably didn't help. Sorry. lol
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