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Moore 8th ID

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Everything posted by Moore 8th ID

  1. Name: Moore Rank: F/Sgt Interested in leading (Y/N): Y
  2. only the 3080ti from gigabyte. Its the same thing as the New world 3090ti issue. Limit max frames on the gpu level to 999 and you wont have the issue now or ever in the future
  3. Name: Moore Role: Tank/Healer &dps
  4. Depending on date/time I would be down as well
  5. For those of you that like EDM
  6. Why are we debating two of the worst states... Ohio > everywhere else
  7. For work I am a software developer, mostly work on ERP systems and data movement between systems. Get to work from home which is super nice. Been with the same company almost 5 years now. For fun I mostly play golf in the summer then travel to snowboard in the winter. I play hockey year around twice a week as well. Other than that I watch a ton of football and hockey and play a lot of video games. I used to play CSGO and Overwatch at a pretty high level. Won a few local lan tournaments for CSGO and played Overwatch for my colleges varsity team. Peaked at around 4100 but mostly sat around or a little below 4k. Completely wash in all shooters now though.
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