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Peacock 8th ID

8th ID
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Peacock 8th ID last won the day on August 23 2021

Peacock 8th ID had the most liked content!

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  1. Name: PeacockJac Role: Any. Better with DPS and Support but will tank if needed.
  2. until
    Practice for 3te Match
  3. until
    Practice for 3te match
  4. I purposefully never got into open world games like WOW because of the addictiveness. It looks pretty badass though. Tempting...
  5. Just going out for the day? Wallet, phone, keys, vape, pocket knife, tums and aspirin. To work? I carry a backpack with all of the above plus a change of clothes, toothbrush/toothpaste, deodorant, book and vape juice.
  6. Big sports fan here. Mostly St. Louis teams with the Cardinals and Blues, but I'm also a huge Arsenal supporter and Kansas Jayhawks fan. Free time is hard to come by with my profession but when I get it, I usually use it to see family back in the midwest. I have been long distance from them for going on 12 years now (7 years in LA, 5 in NYC) and hoping this remoting sticks so I can just move back. I'm a digital colorist and online editor/finisher for television shows. Mostly crappy reality ones at the moment but I've done documentaries, shark week shows and a couple of feature films in the past. Reality pays the bills though. McMillan is living the best life so far. Wish I had the balls to do that.
  7. I lived there for a hot second between LA and NY. Really wish it would have stuck. Loved Our apartment in Smyrna.
  8. Where I am currently at: Bloomfield, NJ Where I'm "from": St. Louis, MO
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