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McMillan 8th ID

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Everything posted by McMillan 8th ID

  1. Ended up going with the Legion 5. Should be here in a few weeks. Thanks everyone for your help!
  2. Thanks Savage, that thing looks like a beast!
  3. @Smith 8th ID @Van Der Vechte 8th ID @Lanier 8th IDThanks for the feedback guys I appreciate it. I think I'll get rid of the HLL requirement probably not the best for a laptop anyway. I think ill revise my question and ask what's the difference between spending $800 on a laptop vs $1000 and do you think its worth it?
  4. Thank you @Smith 8th ID! Very much appreciated now Im going to look through all of those My brother suggested spending a bit more for this: https://www.newegg.com/black-lenovo-legion-5-15arh05h/p/1TS-000E-0P0D1?Description=lenovo legion 5&cm_re=lenovo_legion 5-_-9SIA24GD0N9532-_-Product&quicklink=true Do you think its worth spending more for something like that?
  5. So I'm thinking about get a new laptop as my 11 year old MSI is starting to show its age. I haven't bought a laptop since my old geezer MSI and 6 years since I've built a PC. Since then I have not followed anything related to computers or computer tech. I've been reading and watching youtube videos but I feel like I'm out of touch. I don't need much but I would like to be able to do the following: Under $800 - willing to spend more if its worth it Laptop - PC does not work with my lifestyle In addition to DODS I would like to be able to play newer games like Hell Let Loose Seems like this is out of my budget Potential for video editing Do not want to purchase another laptop for at least 5 years I was wondering if anyone could give me some suggestions on what you think would be a good fit and why? Thank you! Edit 1: What's the difference between spending $800 on a laptop vs $1000 and do you think its worth it?
  6. Interested but ive never watched anime. Would this be a good idea for someone like me?
  7. I posted some pictures on discord, it was easier. We seen alot of people with kids doing similar things as us but I have no idea how stressful it would be. We just have our pets 🐢🐱
  8. For fun I really enjoy hiking, backpacking, seeing new places, cooking, reading, fishing and yoga. I also really enjoy gardening but haven't been able to for the past couple of years. Outside of dods, I play games like civ6, daiblo 3, xcom2 and slay the spire on my switch. For work, I'm currently on a hiatus and have been for the last year and a half. Wife and I bought a camper, renovated it and have been traveling around the US living as cheaply and minimally as we can. Before that I was in the Coast Guard then did territory sales in Idaho, Montana and Washington πŸ™‚
  9. You guys into NPR tiny desk?
  10. No music video but it's a good song. There needs to be more bluegrass here Also more reggae
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