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Koolmees 8th ID

8th ID
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Koolmees 8th ID last won the day on August 25 2023

Koolmees 8th ID had the most liked content!

About Koolmees 8th ID

  • Birthday 10/30/1985

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Koolmees 8th ID's Achievements

Rising Star

Rising Star (9/14)

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  1. Hello Anton Reis, Thank you for your interest in the 8th Infantry Division. Your application is currently pending due to the fact that you do not have the required 3 accumulative hours of game play on our server. You can check your hours by going to https://hlstats.eighthid.com/hlstats.php?game=dods. Searching for your name on these will bring up your total hours. Once you have your total 3 hours (can be combined on both servers) please reply back to this post. Once completed we will finish processing your application. If you are unable to complete your 3 hours within 2 weeks, your application will be rejected. You can help meet these hours by joining us on Wednesday, Friday and sunday nights for Open Realism. Join our discord to be alerted when they start and what the password is. https://discord.gg/ubuYkHhkft Thank you.
  2. Name: Koolmees Role: Just want to play 😉
  3. This is what keeps me alive and cooking ;)
  4. We miss you VDV :)
  5. Watching the PDC World Championship Darts at the moment.
  6. Just chillin with the wife 😉
  7. What do i do: I'm a chef in a restaurant from a hotel. I also run their facebook and instagram. You can also follow them here (the more followers, the better 😉 😉 😉 https://www.facebook.com/hotel.taverne.restaurant.vivaldi/ https://www.instagram.com/hotel_vivaldi/ What i like to do: In my free time i play competition Darts and off course i like to cook. I'm also a freelance BBQ cook for small party's at a catering office. For the rest i'm spending a lot of time in the weekends with my kid wich is a kidmodel for a couple of agencies. The rest of my freetime goes to my wife and off course a bit of DOD:S 😉
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