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Everything posted by Fox

  1. [mention]Fielding 1st MRB[/mention] ^ lmao, that is a hilarious meme my dude! I haven't seen that one in a hot minute. I've been pretty meh past couple days, but you've raised my spirit. <3
  2. Now I'm finally doing what is best for me.
  3. One of my favorite songs by Miles. <3
  4. [mention]McLintock[/mention] Great profile picture. Makes working at Starbucks seem cooler than it really is.
  5. Cowboy Bebop is amazing. I still gotta' watch Samurai Champloo though. Heard it's also great.
  6. Very nice list, Fielding. ^_^ Psycho Pass and Death Note have been on my radar for a while now. I heard the ending of Tokyo Ghoul was a big let-down so I haven't tried it. I've seen Steins;Gate and Steins;Gate 0, the latter of which doesn't quite reach the heights of the former in my opinion, but then again the original series is a hard act to follow-up. I remember seeing Inuyasha on late night Cartoon Network when I was very young and it disturbed me greatly lol. Some of my favorite feels-shinkansen to ride are "Kimi no Na wa" and "I want to eat your pancreas", as well as Violet Evergarden. Beautiful animes. I'll be sure to check out Anohana. I got [mention]Rotte 8th ID[/mention] to start watching this but I'm not sure if he's still with it; this show isn't for everyone. But I honestly love the Monogatari series. Starts with Bakemonogatari. That show really defies all genre pigeon-holing. #it'snotaharem As Cowboy Bebop put it, "A work which becomes a new genre itself..." I've never had so much fun watching a show in my life, but I'm a bit eccentric. The Fate series is also good! I haven't watched anything other than Zero and Stay Night though.
  7. Nice Light Yagami prof pic. 8-)
  8. If I could play the guitar, I'd want to play this genre.
  9. Saw some Strokes and Foo Fighters up above. Great stuff. I think "Your Name" will always be one of my favorite movies. Such an amazing soundtrack for an incredible and beautiful animated film. Animation isn't just stupid shit adults can use to babysit their kids. This movie means more to me than any live-action movie I've ever seen except maybe Lord of the Rings. I am a sucker for piano.
  10. Dude! Absolutely quality meme Mere Cat, haha. Had to post it in the Discord as well.
  11. Yay! It's Rotte in his weeb form! :D Still haven't seen Gundam. Or Evangelion. I need to get on that. I have seen a mecha anime before though; all of Darling in the FRANXX. Fun watch but wasn't particularly wowed.
  12. For sharing everything about anime or Japan: waifus, body-pillows, pilgrimages to holy weeb sites across the globe, orrrrr just talking about your favorite shows / mangas like "normal" people. Meme it up, invite your friends to hang out, proselytize our ways; just be cool and have fun. Closeted or proud, old or new, all weebs and non-weebs are welcome! ^_^ [mention]Rotte 8th ID[/mention] [mention]Burke 8th ID[/mention] [mention]McDowell 1st MRB[/mention] I actually haven't watched that many animes (what a poseur, I know). But some of my favorites are Spirited Away, Cowboy Bebop, Kimi no Na wa., Violet Evergarden, and the Monogatari series. The .gif above is from the Kizumonogatari films.
  13. #repost Hope it's not a problem. ^_^
  14. ^^^RIP Daft Punk. Hyperpop for a hyperactive mind.
  15. Yoooo! The Offspring, Cake, Soundgarden, Queens of the Stone Age... Awesome guys! All great stuff. :D Fun fact: I had a really hot girl paint this TTNG album cover on an old pair of black Vans shoes that I own lol. To this day, this is seriously the best math-rock album I've ever fucking listened to.
  16. Of course Fox chooses Tunisia! Who the Hell is "pbpanzer"? xD
  17. dod_tiger69-420 dod_tunisia dod_harvest dod_foy And whatever map the next match will be on.
  18. Yay! I should go to bed now! :D
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