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Everything posted by Fox

  1. I gotta' say, that is very eclectic! [mention]Dunnerski 8th ID[/mention] :D
  2. Ohhh that's a good one too
  3. TRUUU hahaha
  4. They a meme, but they still one of the greats. One of the first CDs I owned and listened to was a Nickelback greatest hits album as a little kid. I think what happened is that a lot of the industry followed "that sound", whatever you wanna' call it, and that aesthetic. So then it eventually became uncool and "generic" and "played out", and therefore Nickelback became especially uncool. "Hating" them though is a meme now too, so they're basically cool again now I guess. Assuming one even gives a shit about public opinion anyway. I don't really, but I follow it for convenience or to find new stuff. But I'm just a degenerate. WhatdoIknow. Many of their songs are good and that's all that matters. I just happen to listen to other stuff that's closer to home for me personally.
  5. lmao what a meme [mention]VanDoor 8th ID[/mention] Something different: Man's an emo Carlton.
  6. (2172.6 hours played in DoD:S and counting, check) "Hey Fox." (877.6 hours just as Axis sniper, check) "Hey Fox, wait-" (66,925 kills and counting w/ Axis sniper alone, check) "Fox stop! I have a spot for you..." (Two 18-kill counts against other units in officials, sung by bards in mead halls, check) "I shall now stunt, disable, retard, harass, absolutely FUCK your ability to play—" (Two corresponding Medals of Honor for legendary video game service, check) "—and as your supreme leader I hereby command thee to snipe ONLY HERE in this public realism on Donner." Me: sigh
  7. I am so. So. So proud.
  8. Even though I talk like an uneducated degenerate, I can actually read.
  9. [mention]VanDoor 8th ID[/mention] LOL I see the resemblance.
  10. [mention]Samo 8th ID[/mention] Yooo, Last Nite by The Strokes, such a jam.
  11. [mention]Samo 8th ID[/mention] Parasite was an amazing movie! Saw it with my mom in theaters. Would definitely re-watch. I've been watching Hibike! Euphonium (season two). So far it's better than the first season, which was very good. かわいい!^_^
  12. DoD:SadBoi montage coming this summer.
  13. Beastie Boys! Sabotage is one of my favorites by them, for sure.
  14. That's freaking awesome! lol Lane-switch. skrrt Regardless of what one thinks about the music, this man's editing skills are absolutely off-the-charts. Wish I knew how to do this, or put in the time and dedication to learn. ~Aesthetic.---
  15. Beastie Boys are great my dude.
  16. ^ Classic! Blink vibes. <3
  17. More icy than frosted tips:
  18. Such a great anime. Living vicariously through fiction better than reality. <3 Wait, wait, please God just give me a sign Wait, wait, don't let me live in a lie
  19. Amy's got me digging out the classic bops. This band played a part in me becoming religious, unironically.
  20. Hahaha, the man behind it all. Been a while since I've seen a vid with Miles himself in it.
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