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Here is my first excerpt that I ever composed. This was done in my first semester of college, and I did this without and prior training or education in music theory. It's crazy to come from absolutely nothing and in just a few months compose an excerpt with a consistent 5 voice harmony. I'm really glad I came all that way, and I'm still moving forward today.


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Your favorite dolphin

Posted (edited)

Minus events and how dishonorable their actions were.. I'm proud of what I accomplished with the MRB and the achievements that I've been able to pull through with some of the people that were there. Especially for being the longest sitting and most decorated CO in their history. Spent a long time there; starting from the bottom and worked hard all the way to the top. It's something I'm proud of and no one can take that sense of accomplishment away from me.

Though I feel like I have to jump in and fix VanDoor's signature. The alignment ... hurts my soul looking at it XD lol


Edited by McDowell
  • Like 6

8th ID Ribbons/Medals


***** COMBAT BADGES ***** CIB-2-1.png CMB-1-1.png pathfinder-1.png


***** UNIT CITATIONS ***** Meritorious-Unit-Citation-1.jpgPresidential-Unit-Citation-1.jpg


***** 2nd ROW ***** Silver-Star-1.jpg

***** 1st ROW ***** Army_Service_Ribbon.jpgBingo-3.jpgLegion-of-Merit-1.jpg


***** OFFICE INSIGNIAS / CHALLENGE COIN ***** challenge_coin.png Personnel-1.png instructor-1.png recruiter-1.png operations-1.png


***** WEAPON CHALLENGES ***** thompson_past.pngredrocket_current.png


***** SERVICE STRIPES ***** SS-1-Year.png


Intra-Service Ribbons/Medals


***** 9th ROW ***** Kc88h8p.jpgDTWOTtw.jpg

***** 8th ROW ***** 8FR6Azk.jpgEtM65D0.png32jSMnW.pngogPq3PP.png

***** 7th ROW ***** tb46yaz.pngrOsJSx5.pngOs0TvTA.pngSrf4IPb.jpg

***** 6th ROW ***** JmZm8bW.jpgN1bA3CM.pngeESmWBI.pngz7oMcp1.jpg

***** 5th ROW ***** pQ7QFfR.png1BVAW4O.jpgoUiJNJv.pngHotitLk.png

***** 4th ROW ***** N7oiHBJ.jpgGUje5In.jpgQrfWMpR.pngF230p7L.png

***** 3rd ROW ***** qHlZ37O.jpgRXNui9M.jpgGvLkNQ2.jpgE8CnupD.jpg

***** 2nd ROW ***** giuUofb.jpgKviw5RC.pngNLzprj6.jpgZh3vEL5.png

***** 1st ROW ***** l4me9Bb.pngcqqKC8S.pnghnriSbp.jpghDv6VGt.jpg


"A foil sword doth not a ninja make."


***** BADGES ***** 8BSRfQm.png liY3wVr.pngXLtjtW9.png3lwUXqg.pngtp040eV.pngfCkVAlh.png5pdSqhi.png

BCT Class 117 | Nov 13, 2009

Posted (edited)

Hi everyone,


So I went to college for Game Production many sun cycles ago. One of the classes I had to take was Graphic Design. The final project was to a) remake the album cover of your favorite band or b) create your own band, create your own songs, and lyrics, and album info.


The caveat was, if you chose to create your own band you'd have to make up all the lyrics for it etc. of course, I chose the harder route. 🤪 I made a CD Cover album, band name, and every song in side was created by me.


The teacher loved it so much he wanted to keep it to show to future classes, but I politely declined.




Edited by Garza 8th ID
  • Like 7

A. Garza |8th ID|












dick pics allowed?


  • Like 5




“It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” -Twain

“Not having a goal is more to be feared than not reaching one"



I don't know how I missed this thread. Great topic.


Like McDowell's thoughts about the MRB, I am very proud of what we have been able to accomplish in Day of Defeat Source with the 8th ID. I think we have built an amazing comunity that has the foundations to survive even after DODS finally kicks the bucket.


Personally, I think the thing I am most proud of is my son. Any accolade or accomplishment I've earned in life has been easily overshadowed by this kid. Watching him grow and getting to teach him about life will be my crowning achievement. Everything that I thought made me who I am all changed when he came around. Even I am only ever known for being Cayden's dad for the rest of my life and after, I will consider that a life well lived.

  • Like 8



Combat Infantry BadgePathfinder Badge

Meritorious Unit Citation w/ 3 OLCPresidential Unit Citation w/ 3 OLC

Prisoner-of-War-1.jpgLegion-of-Merit-1.jpgDistinguished Service RibbonAmerican Defense Service Ribbon w/ 2 OLCArmy Achievement Ribbon w/ 1 OLCPurple Heart Ribbon

European African Middle Eastern Campaign RibbonAsian Pacific Campaign RibbonWorld War II Victory Ribbon w/ 2 StarsEvent Recognition Ribbon w/ 2 OLCArmy Service RibbonProfessional Development Ribbon

Command Staff

24 Month Service Stripe




I am in the same boat as Lanier, except I am a step-dad in a unique situation. I call him mine simply because I feel so close to him, but I understand that might come off weird to others. Anyways, my 4 year old son has been a joy to help raise. I initially came into his life when he was around 8 months old. I didn't know if I could do it, and I truly love his mom (my fiancé now) so I wanted to try my best. A lot of people close to me wanted me to be cautious and take things slow, but that is just not me. I love pretty hard, so I gave both of them my all, like I still do today.


He is starting pre-school in 2 weeks and I am going to miss all the time we get to spend together while I work from home. I truly love his joyfulness, and I love seeing how much he has progressed in his speech, writing, and manners. He has also helped me grow into this role, and he is quite the teacher of lessons when it comes to patience. This fall will also be time to get him into soccer, and I can't wait to watch him fall in love (hopefully) with the sport I played my whole childhood and adult life. 


I don't think I am a typical step-dad or if that even exists, but I love the kid and wouldn't trade my family for anything. 

  • Like 5
  On 9/30/2022 at 6:22 PM, Span 8th ID said:

I am in the same boat as Lanier, except I am a step-dad in a unique situation. I call him mine simply because I feel so close to him, but I understand that might come off weird to others. Anyways, my 4 year old son has been a joy to help raise. I initially came into his life when he was around 8 months old. I didn't know if I could do it, and I truly love his mom (my fiancé now) so I wanted to try my best. A lot of people close to me wanted me to be cautious and take things slow, but that is just not me. I love pretty hard, so I gave both of them my all, like I still do today.


He is starting pre-school in 2 weeks and I am going to miss all the time we get to spend together while I work from home. I truly love his joyfulness, and I love seeing how much he has progressed in his speech, writing, and manners. He has also helped me grow into this role, and he is quite the teacher of lessons when it comes to patience. This fall will also be time to get him into soccer, and I can't wait to watch him fall in love (hopefully) with the sport I played my whole childhood and adult life. 


I don't think I am a typical step-dad or if that even exists, but I love the kid and wouldn't trade my family for anything. 



I think this is admiralable. 10 points for Gryffindor.

  • Like 3



Combat Infantry BadgePathfinder Badge

Meritorious Unit Citation w/ 3 OLCPresidential Unit Citation w/ 3 OLC

Prisoner-of-War-1.jpgLegion-of-Merit-1.jpgDistinguished Service RibbonAmerican Defense Service Ribbon w/ 2 OLCArmy Achievement Ribbon w/ 1 OLCPurple Heart Ribbon

European African Middle Eastern Campaign RibbonAsian Pacific Campaign RibbonWorld War II Victory Ribbon w/ 2 StarsEvent Recognition Ribbon w/ 2 OLCArmy Service RibbonProfessional Development Ribbon

Command Staff

24 Month Service Stripe



Posted (edited)
  On 9/30/2022 at 7:29 PM, Wig 8th ID said:

Y'all these are beautiful thank you for sharing. Especially the... dick pics. 🙄



Thanks for starting this thread. Reminded me how much I miss writing poetry/songs/stories. 🙂


...and dick pics. 😆

Edited by Garza 8th ID
  • Like 4

A. Garza |8th ID|











  On 9/30/2022 at 7:48 PM, Garza 8th ID said:


Thanks for starting this thread. Reminded me how much I miss writing poetry/songs/stories. 🙂


...and dick pics. 😆


I absolutely love creative writing and poetry. I'm taking World Lit right now and i'm getting to read so many great poems and epics from across the ages. We're on Dante's Divine Comedy (Dante's Inferno) right now and it's so freaking good. I've been writing a lot more recently with poetry because of it, but also in my song writing. Most folks know I'm in a little metal band, but on my own time I make a lot of different styles of music. Keep writing! It's good for the soul!

  • Like 4









Your favorite dolphin


Man i thought i sent out a lot of dick pics and here everyones just as naughty ohhh i love you guys 😇

Heres some goodies i know most of you have already seen but well worth the accomplishment status in my book....currently still hold the push up record at my high school since i broke it many moons ago 💪

Being the lion in the jungle is always my realm of behavior so daddys going to show his girl how its done 🦁


  • Like 7












Everyone's life goals and achievements are different, im proud i gave y'all a chance, i would consider myself proud to consider all of you good friends maybe even family. I hope each and everyone of you hits your milestones and achieve something you all can be proud of.  Love you all. FULL HOMO

  • Like 7
















My life really had no meaning or purpose before I had my son. Being a mother, although it is the greatest challenge of my life, is my highest achievement. 


My son is everything that I could ever hope for and more. I spend almost all of my time trying to make his life as good as possible while trying to teach him to be a kind human. I am by no means perfect, but I feel like I do a pretty damn good job. 

  • Like 6



Army Commendation Ribbon Legion-of-Merit-1.jpg Professional Development Ribbon

PrisonerofWar.jpgArmy Service Ribbon.jpgPurple-Heart-1.jpgBronze-Star-1.jpg

Good-Conduct-1.jpgSoldiers-Medal-1.jpgWorld-War-II-Victory-2-1.jpg Bingo-6.jpg

OWI.pngoperations-1.pngrecruiter-1.png training.png 




So you all went sentimental on me! I was going to be simple and just put in my NHL scoreboard that I built and programmed last year that sits on my desk and gives me live updates on the Stars and all around the NHL (bottom picture).

In the center is my wife and kids from a few weeks ago. My sons Andy (7 with the peace sign) and James (4 in middle) are wonderful little guys and I'm very lucky they've turned out so well. Of course, my wife in the center is someone I don't deserve and who I work everyday to try and be a good husband to.

My other two great accomplishments were commanding, at least somewhat well, two different companies of Soldiers in the Army. The middle right is all the Sergeants and Staff Sergeants who were my squad leaders and who I leaned on heavily to make things happen. I worked daily to earn their respect. The middle left is my going away gift from my second command where I led a headquarters company full of staff officers and Soldiers. The top three are my going away gift from my first company that caught me completely by surprise and is one of my most treasured possessions.


  • Like 8


















Previous Positions

Command Staff - Executive Officer
TrainingMilitary Police, PersonnelRecruitmentOperations - OIC

2021 World War II Realism Campaign Organizer


Official Realism Record
Leader - 5-0
Assistant Leader - 2-0

Inner Unit - 0-2

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 9/29/2022 at 12:49 AM, McDowell said:

Minus events and how dishonorable their actions were.. I'm proud of what I accomplished with the MRB and the achievements that I've been able to pull through with some of the people that were there. Especially for being the longest sitting and most decorated CO in their history. Spent a long time there; starting from the bottom and worked hard all the way to the top. It's something I'm proud of and no one can take that sense of accomplishment away from me.

Though I feel like I have to jump in and fix VanDoor's signature. The alignment ... hurts my soul looking at it XD lol




That's awesome McD! Love the design on the Ribbons and Medals! 

  • Like 2






OWI.png operations-1.png


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