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Just general questions about them , I noticed some people have really cool badges and stuff under their name . How do you guys get it to do that? Also is there a list of the badges we can earn? Why do some people have huge badges and others don't?








Posted (edited)

This reply will be tailored for Tyger, but the general idea applies to everyone if you want to display your awards / badges:


You have to put the image links for the awards / badges into your forum signature. You can find your signature by going to your profile > account settings > signature.  Check out your Official Military Personnel File to see what awards you have earned to date. Then, refer to the awards page - find your award, right click the image and click copy image address. Paste the link into your forum signature block and it should automatically convert into an image. Make sure all images are centered and refer to the awards page to see what order they should be in. 


You can find the awards page here.

Tyger, your Official Military Personnel File can be found here.


You have earned a Combat Infantryman's Badge and a Presidential Unit Citation, so you'll be able to display those in your signature block. The large badges some people have are department / job badges (Operations, Wartime Intelligence, etc). 


Hope this helps! 


Edited by Fear 8th ID
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CIB-3-1.png pathfinder-1.pnggoldengarand_current.png








armystaff-1.pngMilitary-Police.png   OWI.png  operations-1.png




  • 2 weeks later...

You can do some cool stuff with the html coding if you know how to fiddle with some of the tags and add in acronyms in there so when you hover over a ribbon you get a little comment block that tells you what the ribbon is, like in my signature for example.

But Fear dropped in the basics for ya! o7 Keep rockin' in those realisms and you'll definitely earn more and build up your Military Personnel File!

  • Like 1

8th ID Ribbons/Medals


***** COMBAT BADGES ***** CIB-2-1.png CMB-1-1.png pathfinder-1.png


***** UNIT CITATIONS ***** Meritorious-Unit-Citation-1.jpgPresidential-Unit-Citation-1.jpg


***** 2nd ROW ***** Silver-Star-1.jpg

***** 1st ROW ***** Army_Service_Ribbon.jpgBingo-3.jpgLegion-of-Merit-1.jpg


***** OFFICE INSIGNIAS / CHALLENGE COIN ***** challenge_coin.png Personnel-1.png instructor-1.png recruiter-1.png operations-1.png


***** WEAPON CHALLENGES ***** thompson_past.pngredrocket_current.png


***** SERVICE STRIPES ***** SS-1-Year.png


Intra-Service Ribbons/Medals


***** 9th ROW ***** Kc88h8p.jpgDTWOTtw.jpg

***** 8th ROW ***** 8FR6Azk.jpgEtM65D0.png32jSMnW.pngogPq3PP.png

***** 7th ROW ***** tb46yaz.pngrOsJSx5.pngOs0TvTA.pngSrf4IPb.jpg

***** 6th ROW ***** JmZm8bW.jpgN1bA3CM.pngeESmWBI.pngz7oMcp1.jpg

***** 5th ROW ***** pQ7QFfR.png1BVAW4O.jpgoUiJNJv.pngHotitLk.png

***** 4th ROW ***** N7oiHBJ.jpgGUje5In.jpgQrfWMpR.pngF230p7L.png

***** 3rd ROW ***** qHlZ37O.jpgRXNui9M.jpgGvLkNQ2.jpgE8CnupD.jpg

***** 2nd ROW ***** giuUofb.jpgKviw5RC.pngNLzprj6.jpgZh3vEL5.png

***** 1st ROW ***** l4me9Bb.pngcqqKC8S.pnghnriSbp.jpghDv6VGt.jpg


"A foil sword doth not a ninja make."


***** BADGES ***** 8BSRfQm.png liY3wVr.pngXLtjtW9.png3lwUXqg.pngtp040eV.pngfCkVAlh.png5pdSqhi.png

BCT Class 117 | Nov 13, 2009

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