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Trib 8th ID

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rtx 3080 is down to $800 now but read 40 series coming out relatively soon (this year). Think it's worth waiting for 40 series?


My concern is short supply or massive buying reselling on the 40 series and I'll have to wait another year. What you guys think?




“It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” -Twain

“Not having a goal is more to be feared than not reaching one"


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Good idea I should wait to compare specs. 


I'll try to catch you on discord later Elf, I always appreciate your expertise!


Kuehhas you have a good point but part of me thinks DoDs only runs off of cpu. I use to max out around 400fps I upgraded my cpu now I can pull like 800fps

Edited by Trib 8th ID




“It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” -Twain

“Not having a goal is more to be feared than not reaching one"


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I'm running a 3080 myself, but still keep an eye on prices here and there

8th ID Ribbons/Medals


***** COMBAT BADGES ***** CIB-2-1.png CMB-1-1.png pathfinder-1.png


***** UNIT CITATIONS ***** Meritorious-Unit-Citation-1.jpgPresidential-Unit-Citation-1.jpg


***** 2nd ROW ***** Silver-Star-1.jpg

***** 1st ROW ***** Army_Service_Ribbon.jpgBingo-3.jpgLegion-of-Merit-1.jpg


***** OFFICE INSIGNIAS / CHALLENGE COIN ***** challenge_coin.png Personnel-1.png instructor-1.png recruiter-1.png operations-1.png


***** WEAPON CHALLENGES ***** thompson_past.pngredrocket_current.png


***** SERVICE STRIPES ***** SS-1-Year.png


Intra-Service Ribbons/Medals


***** 9th ROW ***** Kc88h8p.jpgDTWOTtw.jpg

***** 8th ROW ***** 8FR6Azk.jpgEtM65D0.png32jSMnW.pngogPq3PP.png

***** 7th ROW ***** tb46yaz.pngrOsJSx5.pngOs0TvTA.pngSrf4IPb.jpg

***** 6th ROW ***** JmZm8bW.jpgN1bA3CM.pngeESmWBI.pngz7oMcp1.jpg

***** 5th ROW ***** pQ7QFfR.png1BVAW4O.jpgoUiJNJv.pngHotitLk.png

***** 4th ROW ***** N7oiHBJ.jpgGUje5In.jpgQrfWMpR.pngF230p7L.png

***** 3rd ROW ***** qHlZ37O.jpgRXNui9M.jpgGvLkNQ2.jpgE8CnupD.jpg

***** 2nd ROW ***** giuUofb.jpgKviw5RC.pngNLzprj6.jpgZh3vEL5.png

***** 1st ROW ***** l4me9Bb.pngcqqKC8S.pnghnriSbp.jpghDv6VGt.jpg


"A foil sword doth not a ninja make."


***** BADGES ***** 8BSRfQm.png liY3wVr.pngXLtjtW9.png3lwUXqg.pngtp040eV.pngfCkVAlh.png5pdSqhi.png

BCT Class 117 | Nov 13, 2009

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Looks like the 4080 will be released in October. I am gonna wait until then bc either I buy a 40 series or there will be a ton of 3080's on the market from people upgrading I bet I could buy an used one for cheap at that time.




“It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” -Twain

“Not having a goal is more to be feared than not reaching one"


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On 7/7/2022 at 3:02 PM, Trib 8th ID said:

Looks like the 4080 will be released in October. I am gonna wait until then bc either I buy a 40 series or there will be a ton of 3080's on the market from people upgrading I bet I could buy an used one for cheap at that time.


Smart idea. I had to pull the plug early on one. I am sick of the AMD drivers crashing on me and a friend of mine things I have a bad memory module. Seems its gotten worse over the last month. I am supposed to be able to pick it up on Tuesday.



Combat Infantry BadgePathfinder Badge

Meritorious Unit Citation w/ 3 OLCPresidential Unit Citation w/ 3 OLC

Prisoner-of-War-1.jpgLegion-of-Merit-1.jpgDistinguished Service RibbonAmerican Defense Service Ribbon w/ 2 OLCArmy Achievement Ribbon w/ 1 OLCPurple Heart Ribbon

European African Middle Eastern Campaign RibbonAsian Pacific Campaign RibbonWorld War II Victory Ribbon w/ 2 StarsEvent Recognition Ribbon w/ 2 OLCArmy Service RibbonProfessional Development Ribbon

Command Staff

24 Month Service Stripe



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I swear memory always goes first. Gratz on the new card, too bad it didn't make you good enough to get banned from ARP!

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“It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” -Twain

“Not having a goal is more to be feared than not reaching one"


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lol I didn't get banned either. Looks like Matt 9fj is the best of us.

  • Thanks 1




“It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” -Twain

“Not having a goal is more to be feared than not reaching one"


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  • 2 weeks later...

I would buy when 40 series is announced offcially then you will see a lot of used gpus going up for sale which usually makes buying retail easier. You will never need another gpu with  3080 

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  • 1 month later...

Still no official release. Highly doubt it will be released in October now. Prob gonna have to wait until 2023




“It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” -Twain

“Not having a goal is more to be feared than not reaching one"


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1 hour ago, Trib 8th ID said:

Awesome! I bet the 3080 prices will drop even more once that news comes out.

Not always the case as they struggle, with demand of the next gen gpus so always have old stock to keep the cash coming in. 













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Apparently Nvidia announced they purchased and received $10billion worth of parts for the 40 series so they are not limited in stock.




“It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” -Twain

“Not having a goal is more to be feared than not reaching one"


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  • 1 month later...

Since EVGA is done making GPU's what brand do you guys recommend now? Pretty sure I am gonna go with a 4090.




“It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” -Twain

“Not having a goal is more to be feared than not reaching one"


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35 minutes ago, Trib 8th ID said:

Since EVGA is done making GPU's what brand do you guys recommend now? Pretty sure I am gonna go with a 4090.


EVGA was always my go-to brand until the 3000 series. I got an Asus ROG Strix 3080 and I'm very happy with it. 


CIB-3-1.png pathfinder-1.png









Military-Police.png   OWI.png  operations-1.png





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Sweet I'll look for an Asus. Is MSI any good? I have a MSI motherboard not a fan of their software though.




“It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” -Twain

“Not having a goal is more to be feared than not reaching one"


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