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Game Types and Plugin Status

Smith 8th ID

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8th ID Github Repo: https://github.com/8thID


  1. Defeat the Tank - Snake
    1. One player is given an MG42 and a large amount of health. All other players need to take them down.
  2. Advertise Plugin Improvement - Lanier
    1. Need improvements to existing advertisement plugin
  3. Bayonets - Garza
    1. Add Bayonets
  4. Push/World Map - Garza
  5. Zombies - Garza


  1. Dodhooks Extension - Smith
    1. Required for certain gametypes (Hide and Seek, others)'
    2. Github Repo: https://github.com/ChesterSmitty/dodhooks
    3. Status
      1. Re-wrote dodhooks, AMBuilder, and fixed headers to compile with latest sourcemod
      2. Confirmed working on Linux, issue with dodhooks on Windows crashing after map change
  2. Hide and Seek
    1. Prop Hunt for DOD:S
    2. Status
      1. Re-wrote dodhooks, AMBuilder, and fixed headers to compile with latest sourcemod (see dodhooks)
      2. Works for linux, but issues on Windows
  3. Star Wars Gun Game
    1. Gun Game with Star Wars models, sounds
    2. Github Repo (Inside 8th Repo): https://github.com/8thID/Plugins/tree/main/Starwars III
    3. Status
      1. Implemented updates to existing plugin
        1. Fixed Team kills to make player lose level, make Jar Jar model, and give them lightsaber
        2. Fixed Suicide so players lose a level
        3. Changed all messages to fun things and movie quotes
        4. Fixed leveling so only a single level for each weapon
      2. Need to do
        1. Fix sounds so its not so damn loud
        2. Fix sounds so that they tapper off with distance
        3. When player team kills and becomes Jar Jar, we need to run RemoveWeapons so it doesn't T-pose before switching to shovel
  4. Pub Server AutoAdmin
    1. Automated Administration of the Pub Server
      1. Activates Flags at g_iMinPlayersFlags players (Default 10)
      2. Deactivates flags and rotation as the server population drops (Default g_iMinPlayersFlags - 1)
      3. Activates Rotation at 10v10
      4. Custom Votes 
    2. Github Repo: https://github.com/ChesterSmitty/dod-autoadmin
    3. Status
      1. Flags activate and deactivate successfully.
      2. Plugin added to Pub Server



  1. One in the Chamber - Smith
    1. One in the Chamber from COD Black Ops, implements in DOD:S
    2. Github Repo: https://github.com/ChesterSmitty/dod_oneinthechamber
    3. Future improvements
      1. Fully functioning demo complete
      2. Need to test out at scale,
      3. Add more sounds/music
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I outlined, below, some ideas that I've thought of for plug-ins or possible mods:

Events/Operations Ideas

  • I believe there was a zombie event we used to do for Halloween. I cannot recall if it was a mod, or simply managed by the SE Coordinator.
    • Can make it much cooler with appropriate zombie/retextured models; I think the default ones were used before.
  • Some type of "Push" mod (and maps) for CTF (realism based).
    • Could have Cartography (map makers) make larger scale maps where there is a "Conquest/Push" type play style for WWII campaign scenarios.
    • Size could be something on the scale of dod_wismar.

Pub Server Quality of Life

  • Bring back bayonets.
    • I want a bayonet plug-in like 1.3 on the rifle classes!
  • Automatic map switch on pub if team wins 5 times on the same map.
    • Automating this will help admins focus on behavior in pub instead of managing the technical aspects.
  • Add the option to vote for a Custom Map or change time limit into the admin panel options that appear in-game.
    • Automating this will help admins focus on behavior in pub instead of managing the technical aspects.
  • Add a plug-in that shows time left on the current map on HUD/UI.
    • Will help admins to have easier visibility on when a map is about to change so they can initiate a custom map vote or other tasks.
  • Add ability to see the Current map name (usually have to type "currentmap" to see this) on HUD/UI.


Realism Server Quality of Life

  • Add more mini-maps.
    • Not sure that's a plugin or not; could ask cartographers.
  • Add ability to see the following information on HUD/UI
    • If current team is on attack or defense (usually have to type "!info" to see this)
    • Current teams win/loss standings (usually have to type "!info" to see this)
    • Current map name (usually have to type "currentmap" to see this)
  • Update MOTD to show realism specific rules, regulations, and expectations.


I'm sure I will think of more and can post it here.

Thanks for all your hard work so far, Snake and Smith!

Edited by Garza 8th ID
paraphrased a statement that didn't make sense.

A. Garza |8th ID|











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Most of the automated things you asked for are things that we plan on looking at doing.... the zombie one I need more info on that as in was it players as zombie or bots.... making big maps is do able but will take some time as in few months possibly per map... adding mini maps to maps that don't have one is not plugin based but is something that can be added in.




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@Garza 8th ID Thanks for the list. The AutoAdmin plugin for the pub has been something I've been churning in my head a bit. Snake also mentioned wanting that sooner or later, so I'll move it to the top of the priority list and see about getting version 1 done this week. Starting with activating/deactivating flags, rotations, and custom map votes (custom map vote will be optionally activated with a convar, so don't panic about if we will use it or not, I just want the option).

As for the HUD changes, I'm guessing that's related some of what Lanier was requesting for an updated advertisement plugin. I'll have to do a bit of digging to see the best way to do that. Would be nice though!

As for the mini-maps, I would LOVE all of our maps to have mini-maps. Particularly, color-coded ones for realism would make things easier for the realism admins and leaders. We should put out a request within the 8th and see if someone is up for the task.

Edited by Smith 8th ID







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22 hours ago, Snake 8th ID said:

Most of the automated things you asked for are things that we plan on looking at doing.... the zombie one I need more info on that as in was it players as zombie or bots.... making big maps is do able but will take some time as in few months possibly per map... adding mini maps to maps that don't have one is not plugin based but is something that can be added in.

My memory on this event is a little fuzzy. @Van Der Vechte 8th ID or @VanDoor 8th ID may be able to shed a little light on this as they were integral to running and coordinating the old events we did.

6 hours ago, Smith 8th ID said:

@Garza 8th ID Thanks for the list. The AutoAdmin plugin for the pub has been something I've been churning in my head a bit. Snake also mentioned wanting that sooner or later, so I'll move it to the top of the priority list and see about getting version 1 done this week. Starting with activating/deactivating flags, rotations, and custom map votes (custom map vote will be optionally activated with a convar, so don't panic about if we will use it or not, I just want the option).

As for the HUD changes, I'm guessing that's related some of what Lanier was requesting for an updated advertisement plugin. I'll have to do a bit of digging to see the best way to do that. Would be nice though!

As for the mini-maps, I would LOVE all of our maps to have mini-maps. Particularly, color-coded ones for realism would make things easier for the realism admins and leaders. We should put out a request within the 8th and see if someone is up for the task.

You're welcome and I'm glad to see we're on the same page about a lot of these ideas. 🙂

A. Garza |8th ID|











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19 hours ago, Garza 8th ID said:

My memory on this event is a little fuzzy. @Van Der Vechte 8th ID or @VanDoor 8th ID may be able to shed a little light on this as they were integral to running and coordinating the old events we did.

You're welcome and I'm glad to see we're on the same page about a lot of these ideas. 🙂

I think only *key* thing here that Garza has forgotten is the ‘Chancla mod’. We’d like to throw “chanclas” from across maps. Thank you 😊 lol 






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Reach out to Marsden my former XO for the Zombie mod, I think he still might have it. We were planning on doing it for next Halloween, but that's now fallen to the wayside. I'd feel confident to see you guys run with it instead.

Also, just as a small note. Be sure to disable any pistol/grenade mod you might have enabled for Hide-n-Seek 🙂 A floating pistol kind of gives yourself away lol

Edited by McDowell 1st MRB

8th ID Ribbons/Medals


***** COMBAT BADGES ***** CIB-2-1.png CMB-1-1.png pathfinder-1.png


***** UNIT CITATIONS ***** Meritorious-Unit-Citation-1.jpgPresidential-Unit-Citation-1.jpg


***** 2nd ROW ***** Silver-Star-1.jpg

***** 1st ROW ***** Army_Service_Ribbon.jpgBingo-3.jpgLegion-of-Merit-1.jpg


***** OFFICE INSIGNIAS / CHALLENGE COIN ***** challenge_coin.png Personnel-1.png instructor-1.png recruiter-1.png operations-1.png


***** WEAPON CHALLENGES ***** thompson_past.pngredrocket_current.png


***** SERVICE STRIPES ***** SS-1-Year.png


Intra-Service Ribbons/Medals


***** 9th ROW ***** Kc88h8p.jpgDTWOTtw.jpg

***** 8th ROW ***** 8FR6Azk.jpgEtM65D0.png32jSMnW.pngogPq3PP.png

***** 7th ROW ***** tb46yaz.pngrOsJSx5.pngOs0TvTA.pngSrf4IPb.jpg

***** 6th ROW ***** JmZm8bW.jpgN1bA3CM.pngeESmWBI.pngz7oMcp1.jpg

***** 5th ROW ***** pQ7QFfR.png1BVAW4O.jpgoUiJNJv.pngHotitLk.png

***** 4th ROW ***** N7oiHBJ.jpgGUje5In.jpgQrfWMpR.pngF230p7L.png

***** 3rd ROW ***** qHlZ37O.jpgRXNui9M.jpgGvLkNQ2.jpgE8CnupD.jpg

***** 2nd ROW ***** giuUofb.jpgKviw5RC.pngNLzprj6.jpgZh3vEL5.png

***** 1st ROW ***** l4me9Bb.pngcqqKC8S.pnghnriSbp.jpghDv6VGt.jpg


"A foil sword doth not a ninja make."


***** BADGES ***** 8BSRfQm.png liY3wVr.pngXLtjtW9.png3lwUXqg.pngtp040eV.pngfCkVAlh.png5pdSqhi.png

BCT Class 117 | Nov 13, 2009

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6 hours ago, McDowell 1st MRB said:

Reach out to Marsden my former XO for the Zombie mod, I think he still might have it. We were planning on doing it for next Halloween, but that's now fallen to the wayside. I'd feel confident to see you guys run with it instead.

Also, just as a small note. Be sure to disable any pistol/grenade mod you might have enabled for Hide-n-Seek 🙂 A floating pistol kind of gives yourself away lol

Zombie mode! Sign me up! 






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